How to Clean Food Processors? (Step by Step) & useful tips

Food Processors are often regarded as great companions when it comes to the kitchen. The quirkiness and ease of accessibility of the food processor help the users to get through hefty stuff from slicing and grinding to shredding with the utmost minimum effort. Food processors are regarded as real workhorses in terms of their grinding, whipping, and mixing abilities which makes them quite a valuable asset in the kitchen.

Customer engagement with these types of products is extremely high in the market which gives them a lot of value. The use of Food Processors can also be quite diverse which makes it necessary to cover one of its major uses. That is to knead and make high-quality dough for cooking. In this article, we are going to see how to clean food processors & some useful tips.

Cleaning of Food processor :

In spite of being such kitchen-friendly equipment, it becomes quite essential to keep Food-processing appliances thoroughly clean after heavy use. This often prolongs and improves the lifetime of the appliance and keeps the blades in tip-top condition. Plus, it also ensures that no leftover topping or taste remains of the old ingredients as a result of the food processor not being properly cleaned between its uses.

From a standpoint of keeping food hygiene secure, there is quite much logic when it comes to cleansing one’s food processor. Invariably paying specific attention to appliances that are frequently used for meat and fish preparations and other packed foods is seemingly important. Because if not properly wiped and cleaned they may nurture unwanted microorganisms which may transfer to healthy food cooked food items.

Keeping the critical issues in mind,  it is recommended to clean the food processor in a safe and secure manner without much or excessive amount of elbow grease. This helps in ensuring the utilization of such a versatile appliance to its utmost potential without damaging it and curving out delicious meals for our close ones. Although cleaning a Food processor is often considered to be a tedious task. There is a wide range of tools and equipment that we can use at our disposal for efficient and effective cleaning of our Food processor with utmost care.

Equipment/Tools :

  • Nylon Brush ( other materials if required based on the items materials)
  • Dishcloths or sponges

Materials required :

  • Baking soda
  • Dish soap

Some step-wise instructions are clearly mentioned below which often come in handy when cleaning food processors.

1. Separate or disassemble the food processor:

Modern-day Food processors are made of several components working in the sink. So, it is suggested to carefully take off each piece from each piece from top to bottom. Starting with the pusher unit, the blades are removed followed by the bowl attached to the motor.  Often small food particles tend to hide in such unseen places so thoroughly rinsing and cleaning are required. The blade is put aside for special care.

2. Clean the Blade:

The blade is one of the most critical parts of the Food processor it is required to be cleaned quite often. This helps the blade retain its sharpness along with getting rid of remaining moisture on the blades. It also prevents the services or tubes of the blades from drying. While cleaning it is suggested to gently rub over the blade with a clean mild soap and a pad. This helps in preventing any injuries and ensures minute cleaning. At last, it is wisely recommended to keep the blades try with the use of paper or dish towel to prevent any sort of rusting due to the presence of moisture. Also check How to Store Food Processor Blades? here.

3. Washing of the removable pieces of the Food Processor:

The removable parts of the Food processor are carefully washed in lukewarm liquids especially water with a block of mild dish soap or another complimentary item. It is quite often recommended to let the pieces rest in warm water before cleaning them. Excessive rubbing of Food processor parts with pads and rough cleaners is to be avoided in order to prevent any sort of collateral damage. Also, the parts can be washed in the dishwasher except for the metal blades.

4. Wiping off the base/Motor:

It is suggested to use a soft texture or damp cloth to rub off the base or the motor area of the Food Processor. It is strictly to sink or apply water on the base/motor unit. A simple wipe is more than enough to keep it clean and running in the long run. Moreover, in order to get rid of sticky and stubborn stains like ketchup and other thick Vegetable juices, a balanced ratio of dish soap and baking soda paste is considered helpful.

clean food processor

5. Complete Drying and assembling of the Food processor:

Rinsing off and drying the Food processor thoroughly helps in improving its performance and life expectancy. For individuals using  Food processors quite often, it is suggested to store the food processor on countertops and other easily accessible locations for better handily and use.

Related: What is The Food Processor Used For?

Tips while cleaning off the Food Processor:

  • If it seems the Food Processor releases a repulsive smell it is recommended to mix baking soda and water at a 1:1 ratio. It is then stored in the bowl of the processor for about 10-15 minutes and then thoroughly rinsed. The baking acts as an absorber in absorbing all the unwanted odours or smells for better Food processing credibility.
  • Nylon blades are quite an effective tool at a user’s disposal as it helps in cleaning off the blades much more profoundly along with preventing the user from any sort of physical damage. For cleaning tubes, small wire brushes often come in handy as they get inside easily and rid of any unwanted stains on the way.
  • It is crucially important to oversee that each and every part of the Food Processor is dried thoroughly, it helps in preventing any sort of rusting and prevents bacterial or microbial growth of any sort. This further testifies the standard food hygiene and reduces any sort of damage in the future.
  • It is utterly important to follow all mentioned instructions in the Food processing package box. Often companies tend to guide users with the most efficient and effective cleaning instructions and materials to ensure better safety and longevity of the concerned items in the market.

Why cleaning  Food Processor is important 

The Food Processor has become an extremely important tool for even household kitchens due to its diverse usability. This makes it extremely important to ensure proper cleansing and improvement of the Food Processor. It is to be delivered in accordance with the requirements of the users of different categories. As for the common standard Food Processors, their uses are somewhat limited because they are mostly used in less-used household kitchen spaces. On the other hand, cleaning Food Processors helps advanced processors especially cooking-related functions because they are used in busy kitchens of restaurants for the most part.

See also: Inalsa Inox 1000 Plus Food Processor Review

Advantages of keeping the Food Processor clean

There are quite a handful of advantages to keeping Food processors clean and smooth in the workplace. It immensely ensures better results and helps in keeping the Food processor running for a longer period of time.

  • It ensures better mobility and efficiency in the long run.
  • Clean Food processors add up to their incredible health and hygiene security balance.
  • It helps in preventing messes that occur when leftover food odours and particles get mixed in with the new ingredients while preparing exquisite meals.
  • It improves the working performance and longevity of its users.

Problems with using an unclean Food Processor 

Even though the use of Food processors is extremely diverse and dynamic it still comes with a certain number of problems when left unattended or uncleaned for a successive long period of time. This may cause certain issues in the kitchen spaces until recently. To understand the reason a proper understanding of the common issues of unclean Food Processors is mentioned as follows. The most important factors problems for the inefficiency of Food processors are mentioned below –

  • Since it tends to perform a lot of functions at the same time its functionality and power may degrade as the blade may rust due to excessive moisture damage.
  • The whisking processes of the food processors are not very reliable and may not yield the necessary results.
  • Food Processors can overheat which might render them unusable for a while as well.
  • The hygiene standard point fails to be secured due to underlying odours and microorganisms’ growth inside the processor.


Based on the aforementioned research it can safely be concluded that a Food processor being one of the handiest and most versatile kitchen equipment is quite a valuable asset in one’s kitchen addition to having. Being mobile and light-headed equipment it is quite portable and easy to handle. Despite being such dynamic and handy, timely cleaning and proper rinsing are essential required to maintain the performance and balance of the Food otherwise it may cause underrated problems over a prolonged time. Every user must understand and implement the problem methods for keeping the Food processor clean and efficient for better usability.

Stay tuned with for more up-to-date information about food processors.

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