Does Coconut Oil Work For Your Hair Type?

Across the ages, people have been using coconut oil to treat their hair and skin naturally. Coconut oil is also known to have many benefits for hair; it is known to relieve dandruff, tame frizzy hair, restore the lustre in damaged hair, and is also known to protect against styling damage.

As coconut oil is packed with fatty acids, promotes hair growth. It is found in many styling gels, conditioners, and other hair care products as well. But does it suit all hair types? People with curly and frizzy oil avoid using coconut oil, as it makes their hair stiffer. Some feel it makes their hair greasy and dull. Let us explore how coconut oil works on different hair types and how to make this oil work for your hair type.

The action of coconut oil on different hair types

We all know that our hair is predominantly keratin, and we lose this protein every day by using shampoos, bleaches, dyes, and other styling products. Once best way to reverse the damage is by applying coconut oil, rich in lauric acid to retain and restore the lost protein. Coconut oil is also loaded with ample sugars, oil, and minerals and is the finest source of amino acids. It can penetrate the hair shaft and several research studies reveal that coconut oil can manage dry and itchy scalp and avoid dandruff. But it can act differently on different hair types. Read through to know if coconut oil works on your hair.

Straight hair

Girls with straight hair are probably the most blessed on earth, as their hair is easy to manage. Their hair doesn’t look flat or limp, as the natural scalp oils coat them well. But this hair type lacks volume, and the hair strands might look thick or coarse. Applying coconut oil will make the hair look voluminous and shiny and prevent split ends.

Wavy hair

Coconut can work wonders on those with wavy hair rather than other hair types. The oil enriches the wavy hair with vitamin E and prevents it from drying. People with this hair type can use coconut oil as a deep conditioner once a week.

Curly hair

Most people with curly hair have thick curls that are hard to maintain. Applying coconut oil regularly will make the hair manageable and free from frizzes. It also moisturizes the hair and scalp and get the hair look lustrous.

Coily hair

People with this hair type need to be extra careful while washing and styling, as this hair type is prone to breaking. Coiled hair could also be extremely frizzy, and the only way to manage them is to apply coconut oil regularly to make it appear smooth and shiny.

How can you make coconut oil work for your hair type?

Coconut oil is a well-known and versatile hair care regimen that can be used as a conditioner, styling aid, hair care mask, or pre-shampoo treatment. But still, some people are averse to using this on their hair. They prefer highly promoted and advertised hair care products to coconut oil without understanding that coconut oil is the secret ingredient in all these products.

Some think applying coconut oil in the daytime can attract dust and debris to the hair follicles during the commute. They also worry that coconut oil could make their facial skin oily and prone to acne. Probably they can use these tips to reap the best out of this miracle supplement without having to worry about other effects.

  • Warm the oil slightly before applying to make it less viscous. This prevents the hair from getting greasy.
  • Add essential oils such as lavender or peppermint to the coconut oil for a better fragrance.
  • Try using the oil at night so that hair gets ample time to absorb the oil. You can shampoo the hair in the morning to get a non-greasy feel on the hair.
  • Use small portions of the oil to massage through the hair and the ends to avoid split ends.
  • People with coarse hair can use coconut oil alternatively with castor, argan, or avocado oil.


Irrespective of your hair type, you can use this miracle supplement to reverse hair damage and make the hair healthier, shinier, and stronger. For most people with normal hair, coconut oil does wonders by nourishing the dreadlocks and strengthening the strands for a shinier look. People with frizzy hair types can try other ways to use this miracle oil, rather than to eliminate it from their lives altogether.

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